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Monday, September 14, 2020
By Photography by Kim
What are your plans after high school?
My plans after High School is to go to a dream school of mine; Arizona State University. I would like to graduate with a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine; and Professionally rodeo along side my Veterinary practice.
Describe your Senior Portrait Experience with Photography by Kim?
My Senior Portrait Experience with Photography by Kim Smith was what every little girl has dreamt about, she boosted my confidence the entire session. She knows I’m more of an insecure person and a nervous person and she relaxed me and encouraged my REAL smile!
What was your favorite part of your Senior Portrait Experience?
My favorite part of my Senior Portrait Experience was laying in the “waterfall” although it was cold the pictures came out SO beautiful. Another favorite of mine was the photos with my horse and dog, they came out stunning and she kept patients with my irritable horse.
Book a Senior Portrait Experience